The project | Anatomy and research | Design |

The project started its development in 2017 and from lack of programmers, designers, and high costs now its in pause.

Jok Leisrael. cross platform library

11 books in one place. For people who work or don’t have time to study Torah.



Content anatomy

What it included?

* a set number of verses from the Torah reading for the week, together with its Targum and the commentary of Rashi

* the same number of verses from Nevi'im(the prophetical books) and Ketuvim (the Hagiographa), also with Targum and commentary;

* one chapter from the Mishna

* a short extract from the Talmud, often but not always relating to the same Massekhet as the Mishnah chapter;

* a passage from the Zohar for that week's Torah portion;

* extracts from books of Jewish law (halakha) and morality (musar).


Why this is important?

According to Judaism its forbidden to change, manipulate or even make the most subtle change to the Torah and developing a virtual book is no exception. so we needed first to understand why and how we develop this method that continues in all the books to work well on all the platforms like ios, android, ipads, windows etc...

Based on research and the structure of the books we came with this user flow for the project.

User Flow

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